If you were
to ask me what I thought was one of the most powerful words in the English
language, in any language, I would have this to say: Mother. What brings me to
this conclusion is the continued revisiting of the season finale of Game of
Thrones. If you haven’t watched it yet, avert your eyes. Thousands of freed
slaves crying out to Daenerys Targaryen MHYSA! And the moment when Daenerys
asks what it means and she is told it means Mother, that is a powerful moment
to me.
When a
woman becomes a mother, she is given a gift to love and care for. A defenseless
child, with no idea of the world they just joined. In truth, a child is clay to
be molded, at first. How a mother raises her child determines the foundation
the rest of their lives will stand on. If you raise a child to value power, as
Cersei did with Joffrey, the end result is a power hungry king, hardly fit to
rule, more interested in cruel acts than acts of kindness. If you raise a child
with values of kindness towards others and a sense of honor, then you get
someone who tries to do the right thing. In theory at least. I believe in equal
parts nature and nurture. I believe that we can learn to control our darkest
impulses, we just have to be given a good reason.
The future
of the world lies in the small hands of our children. We teach them how to hold
it, how to cup their hands together so the fate of the world does not slip
through their fingers. This is why I believe education is so important. In my
nephew’s Kindergarten class, it was strange to look around and think that this
is the future and that every child there has the potential to change the world,
for good or ill. How we teach them, the foundation they are given means so much
in how they will turn out. And it starts with the woman who gave birth to them.
Whether it’s
my nephews or children of my own, I will never speak against their parents in
front of them. If Bear and I have children and then decide we can’t get along,
we’ve both agreed that we will put our issues aside and do what’s best for
them. I’ve seen too much bullshit with certain custody battles and a tug of war
with a kid who does not deserve to be put in that position. And even though the
situation I have in mind, I do not like the kid’s mom at all, I will never talk
down about her in front of him. He loves his Mama and he’s so young that I
believe he should be allowed to put her on a pedestal. The day will come when
he realizes she’s not perfect and that she has made mistakes, but for the
duration of his childhood, she’s his Mama and that’s all there is to it. Period.
Even if a
child grows into adulthood and realizes that their parent has made some big
mistakes, maybe even that he/she is not a good person at all, they will still
have the memories from their childhood of them. The kid I mentioned earlier whose
Mom I have no love for at all, he may grow up and decide he wants nothing to do
with her, but no one can take away his childhood memories with her. Nothing can
dull the bright place they will hold in his heart. I speak from experience on
that one, not with my own parents but other people that have been in my life a
long time.
You grow up
and realize the people you put up so high as a kid, they’re not perfect. They’ve
done things that make you stop for a moment, frozen by disbelief, but like I
said, nothing will take away the special moments you shared with them. And I’ll
be damned if I or anyone else ruins that.
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