Tuesday, December 27, 2011

End of the Year - Yiippeee!

            It’s nearing the end of the year and I’m looking back on 2011 with a mixture of smiles and cringes. It was not the best year on record, but there were memories made and lessons learned and I suppose at the end of the road, that’s all you can ask for sometimes. 2011 was a year of changes and unforeseen hardships that, at the time they popped up, made it seem like the world was a small, narrow, dark place. Through the help of family and friends, however, the tunnel widens and you come to realize that there will be a tomorrow. Then, at the end of the year, you get to plan how the coming new year will be different and it is a time of optimism. That is where I am at now.
            Things are changing in my life and even though a really big change has been postponed six months, it’s still a time of renewal and growth. I guess that is why the next Sabbat on the Wiccan calendar is Imbolc, when the countdown to spring begins. I am in no hurry to reach that though. I am still waiting for winter to settle in. This fifty-sixty degree weather just is not cutting it.
            January 15th cannot come fast enough and at the same time, I want it to take its time so I can relax and recharge my batteries after a rough semester. I am looking forward to the new semester, a fresh start. That’s the one thing about college that I will miss when its over: that fresh start every six months. The slate is almost wiped clean and you get another chance to be the all star you know you can be. And that brings up a question for my readers: How many of us feel that we live up to our real potential? In most things, especially academics, I always feel that I could do better, that the work could have been higher quality because I know that I am capable of making it higher quality. As we march towards December 31st and the new year, something I think all of us need to consider is how to reach our full potential. That is my wish for the new year, to be the best that I know I can be. Sounds like an old Army slogan huh? (I think it was, actually, but that is besides the point)
            If you want the same thing I do, I have no advice to give on how to make it happen. This is not a self-help blog, even though I would probably get more readers if it was. Hmm, with that thought in mind, I will say this. The way I plan to reach my full potential is to manage my time wisely and to make every day count, to use my time the best way I can. That does not include playing on Facebook. I’m actually hoping since I now have a Kindle to play on Facebook with, I will stop logging on so many hours on Facebook on my computer. Maybe I’ll actually get some work done that way. Something else I have to do to reach this goal is to set priorities and stick to them. This blog is a priority, because it is going to help teach me discipline and there’s always that added bonus of writing to improve your writing. If that sounds odd to you, go talk to a 4th grade teacher. I’m sure they’ll be the first to tell you that the best way to become a better writer is practice. If you never write, how are you to improve? It’s the standard rule for getting better at anything. Keep that in mind as you make out your New Year Resolutions. I will do the same.
            My final thoughts for this blog are that with every year that goes by, I always think that so much has changed, even if it seems that everything is the same. I am never the same at the end of a year. That is how it should be. We change, we grow, and the transition of change is one of those things that reminds us that we are alive. Or, maybe that is just me.
            To any readers who have stuck with me through my randomly posted blogs or any readers just now finding me purely by accident, I hope you have a wondrous New Year and success in your endeavors.
            Blessed be all!

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