Monday, November 26, 2012

Road to Graduation Pt. 2

This was the light in my room at 8:45 this morning. I'm not sure why it struck me at that particular moment, but it did. My days of looking out this window are numbered and even though I'm excited as can be, I'm also a little sad.
I realized while walking to the caf this morning for breakfast that I will miss the college life. Even though I am at the point where I am tired of it and more than ready to move on, I'm going to miss it. I've enjoyed school for most of my life, enjoyed the pace of it, the books, the learning, the people, all of it. And in three weeks, it'll all be over. It's going to be a big change, a big readjustment for someone like me.
My mission now? Get through all of the work that has been piled on my plate for the next two weeks and soak it all up while I can. It won't be long before it's all gone.
Meanwhile, in the midst of papers and presentations and finals, I'm already looking to the future and a job that will hold me over until I can find something more in my field. It's not that exotic, but since I'm living at home, I can afford to be boring for a while and just enjoy myself. That's the blessing of the life I live, of the world I was born into.
Over Thanksgiving break, I continuously found myself thinking about what I had to be thankful for, like everyone else I assume. At this point, the thing I'm most thankful for besides the usual suspects of Bear and my writing? My parents. Without them, college wouldn't have been as easy as it has been. Without them, the experiences I've had wouldn't have been possible. They've limited me in some ways, but in others, in the ways that count, they've opened doors for me. On the road to graduation, that's one of the most important things, remembering where you came from and who helped you to get where you are.

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