National Novel
Writing Month is here! It began yesterday and I hit the ground running, writing
1,000 words in about forty-five minutes. On a new novel? Goodness no, of course
not. It was for the novella that’s about five or ten thousand words away from
being complete. I saw a retweet on Twitter that fits my situation perfectly. “Again,
for me, this is NaWriEvMoMoFo: "National Write Every Month,
Motherfucker." But hey, I'm writing. #amwritingmotherfucker”
Excuse the language, but it gets the point across. That came from @ChuckWendig,
just so I am a good little writer and cite my sources.
I only
wrote 1,100 words yesterday, but it was a busy and somewhat stressful day. I
won’t go into the details here (or anywhere else, for that matter), but suffice
to say, I made a change. Some might call it stupid, but it is what it is and I
will not regret it. That is part of why I’m titling this blog Saturday Shames.
In addition to the fact that I’m writing this blog in my pajamas, still in bed
with the blanket tucked around me. Oh, sweet pleasures. The little things that
make me smile like an idiot for no particular reason.
There is a
Facebook writing group that I’m a part of which has turned NaNoWriMo in circles
over the past few weeks. Some of the writers there just don’t get it, and
others are excited for this opportunity to put the boot to their own arses and
get to writing. I think if this is what someone needs to start writing the
novel they’ve always wanted to write, then more power to them. But one must
also acknowledge that real writers work on this crazy schedule year round. All
writers have to acknowledge sooner or later that writing is about discipline
the entire year, not just for November when it’s the cool thing to do and all
your buddies are giving it a go.
I’ve got one more quote I want to leave you with before I
get on with my Saturday. It comes from a fellow blogger and I’ll link the blog
it came from below.
“We get to do what so countless
others only wish for, we get to write the shitty first draft."
Truer words never spoken. That came
from here if you want to check out more from her. I personally adore her blog.
Happy Saturday!
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